One Dance, One Voice

One Dance, One Voice

Amidst the many debates and discussions surrounding empowerment, what we often forget is that we, as women, are all on the same side. To bring this message to light, my dance company worked with women from all over the world to create a video showing a worldwide collaboration. Women everywhere, dancing to the same song, with the same choreography.

This project took 3 months to execute, beginning with garnering interest from people around the world. Once we had an idea of which cities and counties we would be working with, we began creating private groups for them to join, and created instructional videos for each group of women to learn form. We then assisted with coordinating meetup times for them to get together and record a video to send back to us. One of the more heartwarming responses we received from this project was that in several cities, the women didn't know each other until the day of the recording, and ended up going out to eat after and actually getting to know each other.