VR Jedi

A virtual reality game to collect parts and build a lightsaber.

VR Jedi

A virtual reality game to collect parts and build a lightsaber.

VR Jedi


This is a game that takes place in a virtual representation of Cornell Tech's MakerLab space. The user can use VR techniques such as locomotion and distance grabbing to move around the space and put together the pieces of a lightsaber.


This was created as part of a homework assignment for a Virtual Reality class. We were provided with the framework and room representation and had to build off of it.

The first step was to add lighting to the scene, and create a reflection sphere using a cube map.

From here, I added grabbing and distance grabbing functionality to the hand avatars to be able to grab the various parts.

In order to get around the room, I added locomotion functionality where the user could use the left hand controller to propel themselves to a direction they were pointing towards.

Once this was complete, I added a particle system to the glue gun to create the illusion of glue being added to the parts as they were being put together.

After the parts are assembled, I used a Lerp function to generate the lightsaber effect when the button on the right hand controller is pressed.

Due to the colliders on the objects around the room, the lightsaber can be used to hit items and knock them around.

The final step I implemented here was to change the material on the lightsaber blade. I wanted to make it look more like the original lightsaber, so I created a “Standard (specular setup)” with varying values of neon green as the Albedo, Specular and Emission HDR color values to give it more of a glowing view.

From here, I wanted to make this glow a little more apparent, so I changed the scene so that when the lightsaber was activated, the point light in the environment would switch off. This made the lightsaber one of the primary beacons of light as you move through the room. Following this, I added new sound effects to the scene to hear the iconic lightsaber warping sound whenever it moves.